Keep your community thriving with modernized code enforcement.
From taking complaints to managing inspections to issuing citations, a lot of work goes into enforcing your community’s municipal codes. 3Di’s Municipal Code Enforcement solution makes every step as efficient as possible, while making it easy for citizens to participate and providing you with enhanced visibility of trends and data-driven insights.
Key Features
Municipal Code Management
Easily add and update codes, quickly reference your digital code book, manage violations and proposed remedies, and automatically adjust code-related workflows.
Case & Workflow Management
Manage ad hoc and systematic code enforcement cases and streamline related workflows with automated scheduling, notifications, citation processes, and more.
Mobile Field App
Empower staff to do more from the field, including looking up codes, performing checklist-based inspections, viewing contact and case history, issuing citations, and accepting digital signatures.
Personalized Citizen Portal
Easy-to-use web and mobile portal for citizens to issue complaints, view notifications, get updated on compliance requirements, and make payments for fees and fines.
Reporting & Analytics
Get a real-time view of the most common violations and department activities and performance to inform education efforts, policies, and decision-making.
Cost Recovery
Recover the costs of inspections and enforcement through easy collection of fees and fines with integrated payment processing.

Unlock a new level of enforcement efficiency.
Save time and resources in each step of your code enforcement efforts with 3Di’s comprehensive Code Management solution.
- Streamline complaints and requests with online forms in the citizen portal and automated routing.
- Simplify ad hoc or systematic inspections and citations with a robust mobile field app and automated notifications.
- Recover program costs with online collection of fees and fines.
- Make proactive decisions with real-time reporting and data-driven insights.
Improve code compliance.
Increased efficiency allows you to quickly respond to complaints and/or perform more regular systematic inspections. Your agency will have the ability to identify code violations earlier than ever before and streamline code enforcement and owner response. This, paired with richer data and historical context, will help you improve overall compliance in your community.

Increase public satisfaction.
Interactions associated with code enforcement aren’t always pleasant experiences for citizens, but simplifying compliance can greatly improve satisfaction. With an intuitive portal, quick resolution of complaints, timely notifications, and easy online payments, it’s nearly effortless for citizens to engage, stay informed, and respond to notices and citations. And when overall compliance improves, your whole community can enjoy the benefits.
Expand your impact with these related citizen engagement products:
Digital Transformation Experience
22 States Empowered
3Di Solutions
See how 3Di Code Enforcement can help you streamline every step of your community’s code enforcement process.